Translated Fiction

Translated Fiction

Japanese Fiction

My Annihilation by Fuminori Nakamura

This review is going to be pretty short (for me) as it’s very difficult to explain what’s so good about this novel without spoiling anything, and it’s vital to go into this novel knowing the bare minimum, which is what I did. From reading the, very brief, blurb I thought I had an idea of…

Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata

Murata has very quickly become a new favourite author of mine, I especially loved the darker story of Earthlings, so I was thrilled to see that a lot of the collection did follow similar darkness. Personally, I think Life Ceremony is an amazing introduction to Murata’s writing and the range that she can expertly handle.…

The Woman in the Purple Skirt by Natsuko Imamura

I really enjoyed the unique way that this story was told, by being in the perspective of the observer of The Woman in the Purple Skirt (referred to as The Woman in the Yellow Cardigan) we are put into an interesting position.


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Other Translated Fiction

Violets by Kyung-Sook Shin

I loved how Shin was able to do so much in such a short novel, the pacing and the character development were excellently presented. The way that Shin manages to make San’s everyday life so surreal and dreamlike – almost as if you’re strolling through the streets in the same dazed state as San gave…

Odin’s Child by Siri Pettersen

I adore Norse mythology and anything related to it, so I was particularly intrigued by how mythology would influence this story – particularly because of how ‘the children of Odin’ are viewed as ‘the rot’, which isn’t something I’ve come across before.

The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez

So, we all know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover but when I saw this pop up on Twitter I knew I just had to have it. I was unsettled yet intrigued by the disturbing cover, even more so when I read the blurb… and even more so when I read…


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